Healthy Eating Week @ Home

22 - 28 June is the British Nutrition Foundation's Healthy Eating at home week. Take a look for further information.
This year, in addition to their main Healthy Eating Week, the British Nutrition Foundation have decided to run BNF Healthy Eating Week @ Home. This will be a ‘virtual’ Week, open to everyone!
BNF Healthy Eating Week @ Home will take place from 22-28 June 2020. The aim of the Week is to encourage people of all ages to take part in a range of key health challenges at home (or in nurseries, schools, universities or workplaces, where social distancing measures allow).
There are seven health challenges (based on those identified for the main Week) which will be supported by a range of evidence-based, easy to access resources on a dedicated area of BNF’s website. The challenges are:
- Eat well
- Eat more wholegrains
- Have 5 A DAY
- Drink plenty
- Get active
- Be mind kind - help a friend or neighbour
- Try something new and keep going
To further support BNF Healthy Eating Week @ Home, they will be hosting two cooking sessions each day at 10am and 2pm! Recipes will be provided!
Further details, including the challenges and resources, please click on the link below: