Welcome Back Summer Term

Back to school for Summer Term 2019
Welcome back to school, we hope you all had a restful Easter break. Doors opened on Tuesday 23rd April 2019 ready for the Summer Term. This term there will be plenty going on including trips, sports days, new after school clubs and the annual Summer Fayre. Swimming will continue for Year 3 and there will be two weeks at the end of the term for Year 6 swimming. More details will follow in the class newsletters, the weekly attendance flyer, via our calendar on the website and news on our Twitter feed.
The building work continues around school and we are looking forward to seeing the finished result. During the next few weeks whilst work continues, we ask for your support and patience where any changes to scheduled activities may occur. We know the short term inconveniences will be worth the long term rewards!
As always, if you have any questions you can contact us in the following ways:
Telephone: 01623 624709
- choose option 1 to speak to the main office
- choose option 2 to get through to Miss Johnson for attendance and welfare issues
- option 3 is for Mrs Farnworth, Office Manager
With our new telephone system you can leave a voicemail message on any of these options.
Alternatively email: admin@mansfieldprimaryacademy.org