September Return Details - Staying COVID-19 Safe

Letter sent to Parents - Returning to School in September
21st July 2020
Dear Parents/ Carers
This is a letter I’ve been looking forward to writing! It has been a strange few months, not only for us but the whole world. However, life now is beginning to return to a new normal; as a result, there will still be some guidelines in school that we must follow. These guidelines are from the Department of Education to ensure the safety of all on site.
This letter is to breakdown the systems that will be in school, they are as follows:
- Staggered arrival and departure times for classes
- Change of access to the school site (including meetings)
- Breakfast and After school clubs
- Lunches on offer at school
- Communication with school
- The Curriculum
The first day of term will be Thursday 3rd September 2020.
Staggered arrival and departure times:
Due to social distancing measures that will still be in place in September we are required to stagger the arrival and departure time of children. We have tested this to cause the most minimal disruption possible and still operate within the normal opening hours. The changes in times will not affect the teaching time your child will have.
We will use two entrances to school:
- The main front gate
- The rear gate (leading towards Zoe’s Nursery)
Only the parents of Nursery and Reception children will be permitted on site to drop off at their classroom doors. For all other parents, children will be dropped off/ picked up at the gates and children will be escorted into school
Social distancing outside of school must be adhered to as per government guidelines.
Arrival |
Main Gate (Front of School) |
Rear Gate |
08.40am to 08.55am |
Nursery and Reception |
Year 3 and Year 4 |
08.55am to 09.10am |
Year 1 and 2 |
Year 5 and 6 |
Departure |
Main Gate (Front of School) |
Rear Gate |
3.00pm to 3.15pm |
Nursery and Reception |
Year 3 and Year 4 |
3.15pm to 3.30pm |
Year 1 and 2 |
Year 5 and 6 |
We understand that for some of you this will mean drop offs and pick-ups being at different times due to your children having siblings in other classes.
There will be videos available on the school website to show you how you will bring your child into school shortly.
Nursery and Reception
Year 1 and 2
KS2 (Year3,4,5&6)
Change of access to the site
Parents can only be on site for pre-arranged meetings. After drop-off and pick-up, the gates will be locked. Meetings with teachers and other members of staff will need to be arranged over the phone with Miss Nolan, Mrs Farnworth and Miss Johnson, as the reception office will not be open other than to receive pre-arranged parents and visitors to the school. If a meeting has been arranged then access the site through the main gate at the front of school, you’ll need to buzz for a member of admin staff to let you in.
Whilst in school there will be strict social distancing and hygiene (handwashing) requirements. Social distancing is at 2m and there will be hand sanitising available on site for you.
Assemblies will not be happening for the foreseeable future, well at least not in the hall, we will be conducting virtual ones instead! Under the new guidelines we will not be able to host any fairs etc. on site. However, if the guidance changes, we will adapt our operating procedures to suit and will start hosting community events again!
Breakfast and After School Clubs
Breakfast and after school clubs will not be running under the current measures. This is to ensure the integrity of class ‘bubbles’ in school. As and when guidance changes, we will look to reinstate these clubs.
Lunches at school
Children will be allowed to bring in a healthy packed lunch.
Remember we are a nut free school and no fizzy drinks should be brought in to school.
The Lunch break will be reduced from 60mins to 45mins. This is to maximise the teaching time available but also due to the change in meal options, the time it takes getting everyone into the hall for dinner will be reduced. Children will eat their lunch in their classroom, and when possible outside.
Communication with School
We usually have an open-door policy in school. Under the new guidelines we can’t operate this in person but can maintain communication via the phone line and via Class Dojo. Please do not hesitate to contact school with any queries and, if required, book a face-to-face meeting with a member of staff. We know this will be frustrating at first, however, as mentioned already, if the guidelines change, we will be able to relax measures in school.
The Curriculum
During the school closure, staff have been working hard to change and develop our curriculum in preparation for September. We are very aware there will be academic, and wellbeing needs that will be met and we are prepared for this. We have looked at the structure of lessons, the sequencing of lessons and the type of lessons children will be receiving so they have the time to adjust and succeed!
Thank you for your patience, communication and hard work looking after your children over this challenging time. We can’t wait to have you all back in September!
Yours sincerely
Mr J Lane