Last day of Term

Friday 19th July - last day of this academic year
Doors close for pupils Friday 19th July 3.15pm and re-open again for pupils on Tuesday 3rd September 8.45am (8.40am for EYFS)
Our last day of this term, and indeed this academic year, is Friday 19th July 2019. Times are as normal, and uniform should be worn as usual. There will be lots of activities going on during the day, not least our Year 6 Leavers Talent Show in the morning! It is however, a normal day as far as timings and uniform go, so please ensure children are wearing the correct clothing - PE kits will be needed - and we will be saying "happy summer holidays" to you all from 3.15pm.
Thank you all for your support this year, and please remember to keep yours eyes peeled on our website and Twitter pages for any further updates over the Summer. Remember there is a summer reading challenge, so we look forward to hearing all about the exciting stories you have enjoyed over the holidays.
We would like to wish you all a very happy summer break, enjoy the sunshine (hopefully!), but stay sun- safe aware.